It sometimes happens that a service that is availed with an intention to be helpful ultimately turns out to become a headache. Although such instances happen once in a while it is always better to be on the safer end by preparing yourself with all the key information pertaining to the service while going in for those kinds of so called helpful services instead of getting into a mess. We all live in a culture where having an assistant to help you with your domestic work especially if you are one of those working couple, is quite a normal and common aspect. But however, maintaining those extra hands can sometimes get quite tricky. Although hiring and maintaining a domestic helper is quite a common affair and can be very helpful in taking care of Infants, children, elderly, physically challenged, cooking food for the entire family, general housekeeping and laundry, household cleaning and maintaining, pet care and gardening, in case the maids are not properly guided to do those set of specific activities, then the whole scenario of the household goes upside down…!!
This article is mainly intended to work as a suggestive to all those employers who are on look out for a domestic helper, and also to those who already have employed domestic helpers but do have some kind of discontent with their household helpers. Your domestic helper, whether a Filipino maid, Myanmar maid, Sri lankan maid, Indian maid, Nepali maid, Indonesian maid or a maid from any other country, is indeed an integral part of your family and household. Cleaning the house and doing chores, spending time with your kids and attending to the elderly they certainly leave an imprint on your daily schedule. Although hiring and maintaining a domestic help can be quite overwhelming because it is more than just cleaning the house, apart from which you get peace of mind, time to relax, enjoy your free hours and so on, you however not only need to look out on picking a loyal maid but also a person who can blend into your family and go about seamlessly with your everyday needs.
In this aspect a properly trained maid is the one who you need to ensure the smooth running of your household, but for this to happen maid training which plays a very important role must be brought into the frame. A systematic yet, friendly training bring about loads of benefits and will help you build a strong and healthy rapport between you and your housemaid. Hiring a normal house cleaning maid helps you get a clean house but when you train the same maid properly she becomes a professional and you come home to a level of cleanliness that’s deeper than what you used to see because that’s the one and only focus of a professional maid this in turn should be sufficiently sustained to enable her to catch up each new duty. Nevertheless, your training should never be confusing with a jumble of instructions, but slow kind yet commanding directions which she can understand.
Your training session must begin with introducing her workroom, explaining the range and showing her how to operate it, different utensils, their uses and where foods are generally kept. When she begins her duty in the morning instructions about the preparation of the meal, what to prepare along with it, the proper way to set the table, and so on must be explained to her in a neat way. Embarrassing her by being continually at her heels will only worsen the situation rather than getting better. Give her only the directions you think that are very necessary and then let her apply her conclusion on them based on her previous experience in carrying them out. If you discover that she is a slow learner, do not be discouraged, adopt the suitable method to teach her and watch the situation slowly brighten up. If she is unwise in one, that doesn’t prove anything; she could also be bright enough in another to create equilibrium. By being a responsible and sensible teacher you could turn a simple and naive maid into a fully professional employee so that you could rely on her with confidence and turn the bane into a boon..!
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As per the MOM / Government directives issued in view of safeguarding the privacy of the registered housemaids (FDWs) which shall come into effect from the 1 July 2020, the photographs of the FDWs shall not be visible to the general public and shall be displayed as blurred. In order to view the clear photographs we kindly request you to login to the site with your Facebook /Google account or Register with us, which shall enable you to access the site for downloadable bio data and view clear photographs.
As per the MOM / Government directives issued in view of safeguarding the privacy of the registered housemaids (FDWs) which shall come into effect from the 1 July 2020, the photographs of the FDWs shall not be visible to the general public and shall be displayed as blurred. In order to view the clear photographs we kindly request you to login to the site with your Facebook/Google account or Register with us, which shall enable you to access the site for downloadable bio data and view clear photographs.