Two sisters and their two foreign employees convicted for making false statements in Work Pass applications
Post by : Eazymaid Date : 16-Aug-2017 Reads : 2488
Ministry of Manpower
In the State Courts yesterday, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) charged two Singaporean sisters, Leong Chew Peng (“Peng”, 45) and Leong Chau Yee (“Yee”, 47), for making false statements in the work pass applications to the Controller of Work Passes in September 2014 and in August 2016. It was declared in the respective applications that the foreign employee would be employed as foreign domestic worker (FDW), when there was no such intention as Peng and Yee had planned to make them work as beauticians instead.
The two Indian nationals, Lepcha Ritu (aged 33) and Arti (aged 33), were also charged for making false statements to the Controller of Work Passes, and for working without valid work passes.
All four accused persons faced a varying number of charges under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act (EFMA). (See Annex for details of the charges).
All four accused persons have been convicted and sentenced in Court yesterday. Peng was fined $15,500, in default six weeks’ imprisonment, while Yee was fined $16,000, in default six weeks’ imprisonment. Ritu was fined $11,500, in default four weeks’ imprisonment and Arti was fined $8,000, in default three weeks’ imprisonment.
Work Pass applicants must make truthful declarations
All applicants must make accurate, complete and truthful declarations to the Controller of Work Passes in their work pass applications. Making false declarations is a serious offence. Upon conviction, employers can be fined up to $20,000 or jailed for up to two years or to both per charge under the EFMA. MOM will also ban the employers from hiring FDWs in future.
It is also an offence to employ foreigners without a valid work pass. Employers are responsible for ensuring that their workers are issued with valid work passes. Upon conviction, offenders can be fined up between $5,000 and $30,000, or jailed for up to 12 months, or to both per charge. Repeat offenders will face harsher punishment, with a mandatory imprisonment term imposed. Foreigners caught working here without a valid work pass face a fine of up to $20,000, or imprisonment of up to two years, or to both per charge.
Members of the public who have information on EFMA infringements should report the matter to MOM at or call 6438 5122. All information will be kept strictly confidential.
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